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Idaho Learning Center

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Your Donation Needed

Kevin (name changed) is 16, and he has always struggled in school. His lifelong dream is to become a fireman.

But last year he told his mom he was dropping out of high school because it was too hard. Kevin needed a smaller environment to learn, and a different approach to education in order to understand even basic concepts he missed in a traditional school setting because of his learning difficulties.

His mom heard about ILC and enrolled him in the ILC Academy. Slowly he began to learn and understand basic concepts for the first time. He began to excel in school, his confidence grew and his hope in his lifelong dream returned! “I don’t know where I would be without ILC,” Kevin said to his mom (with tears in his eyes).

Without you, Kevin might have joined the 5,700 Idaho students who dropped out of high school last year, or perhaps even become one of the 31% of dropouts who are arrested within 3-5 years after leaving school.

Please consider giving a gift to help Kevin and students like him become successful learners and enter adulthood with the confidence and competence needed to meet their goals and dreams. Successful students build successful communities. Your gift will change the statistics... and change lives.